Vote AGAINST 439 & FOR 434

Nebraska: Protect Women & Children at the polls this election.

Two constitutional amendments are on the ballot this election. One hurts women and children and one will protect them for generations to come. Be a part of this historical election that will change the landscape of women’s healthcare and safety.


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  • The Protect the Right to Abortion amendment jeopardizes the health and safety of women by allowing abortionists and individuals who are not licensed physicians to influence the medical decisions of a woman in crisis.
  • The supporters of the Protect the Right to Abortion amendment want to force taxpayers to fund all abortions in Nebraska, even if they have strongly held moral and religious objections.
  • Supporters of Protect the Right to Abortion Amendment are so radically liberal that rather than acknowledge only women can be pregnant, they proposed that “all persons” have a right to abortion. Because of a refusal to define pregnancy as a women’s healthcare issue, the “all persons have a fundamental right to abortion” language opens the door to men being able to force a woman into an abortion against her will.
  • Nebraska’s law currently allows abortion throughout the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, but that isn’t enough for the abortion industry and activists who are trying to write second- and third-trimester abortions into our constitution. This amendment would allow for abortion until the moment of birth.
  • Overturning the parental notification laws, which the Protect the Right to Abortion amendment does, will allow child predators and human traffickers to continue their abuse in the shadows.


Nebraska medical professionals launched this measure, proposing a Nebraska constitutional amendment to safeguard women’s health care with clear, commonsense abortion limits and exceptions.

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  • The vast majority of Nebraskans support well-defined, common sense abortion restrictions after the first trimester of pregnancy, along with exceptions for rape, incest, and the medical emergencies for the mother. The Protect Women and Children amendment does exactly that.
  • The Protect Women and Children Amendment establishes a floor of protection, meaning preborn children must, at a minimum, be protected by the second trimester.
  • The Protect Women and Children amendment uses established scientific terms setting clear parameters for women and their physicians and prevents government officials from interfering in a woman’s relationship with her doctor.
  • The Protect Women and Children amendment preserves parental notification requirement and protects not only parental rights, but the relationship and responsibility parents have with their daughters.


Early voting begins Monday, October 7.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.

Why wait? Make a new tradition to vote early and ensure that the pro-life, pro-woman side receives your vote. Look through our Election Resources below to make voting early easy. 


Nebraska Right to Life’s Full Voter Guide

Early Voting Information

Voter Registration

Polling Place and Confirm Any Voter Information


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We will also come speak at any community or chapter event. All of this is provided at no cost to you. Fill out this form to let us know how we can help!