Over 100 gathered to have their voice heard!
On Monday, March 13, a packed room with people of all ages heard from Senator Albrecht, Senator Geist and Senator Murman. Senator Albrecht explained the bill she is sponsoring, LB 626 – the Nebraska Heartbeat Act. She emphasized the importance of prayer for State Senators and reaching out to thank those who are champions for life on the floor by supporting this bill. She also said it is good to contact those senators who are not pro-life.
Senator Suzanne Geist, who is running for mayor in Lincoln, spoke of her own convictions as a pro-life advocate and explained the legislative process for bills becoming law. She shared personal stories about her personal and spiritual life and illustrated how necessary it is to pray for legislators.
Senator Murman spoke about his legislative bill, LB 810 – Medical Ethics and Diversity Act. He said due to filibustering there is a high chance that this bill will not see debate time this year. However, if that is the case, it would be carried over to next year. This bill protects physicians and allows them to refuse to perform abortions or other procedures that interfere with their conscience without discrimination, punishment or retaliation.
All 3 senators discussed the spiritual battles they face in their personal lives and on the floor as they fearlessly stand up for life. Please continue to pray, encourage and support our brave pro-life politicians! We also heard from Mary Hilton of the Nebraska Republican Party on the importance of ensuring pro-life supporters are voting all over the state.
After these inspirational talks, all moved to the Capitol to call state senators from the floor to lobby for the right to life. Many state senators came out and had good discussions with constituents. This was one of our largest turn-outs for this event! We are so fortunate to live in a pro-life state!