LB 626 Nebraska Heartbeat Act
Protect their beating hearts!
April 13, 2023
On Wednesday, April 12, LB 626 the Nebraska Heartbeat Act was advanced with a 33-16 vote after overcoming an 8 hour filibuster in the Nebraska Legislature! We needed exactly 33 votes to end the filibuster to advance the bill. It was a historic day for the pro-life movement and your prayers and advocacy for the preborn made all the difference.
This was an important step in creating a culture of life and protecting women, families and preborn babies in our state. Nebraska Right to Life will update you when the bill is scheduled for the second round of debate in the Nebraska Legislature so you know to contact your senators again. We are so grateful for the strong proponents in our legislature who bravely stand for life! Check how your senator voted here and be sure to write a message of thanks to those who voted for LB 626. A heartbeat is a universal sign of life, and it is evident Nebraskans are committed to protecting preborn babies with beating hearts!
March 17, 2023
We urgently need your help protecting babies with beating hearts! On March 16, Senator Merve Riepe filed a distressing amendment to LB626. We need all supporters to contact him and respectfully ask him to withdraw his amendment and fully support LB626 The Nebraska Heartbeat Act.
E-mail: | Office phone number: 402-471-2623
On March 16, in an unexpected turn of events, Senator Merv Riepe of District 12, a co-sponsor of LB626 filed an amendment that would allow abortions up to 12 weeks of gestation and allow abortion of babies who are diagnosed with a fetal anomaly. This amendment would protect the lives of approximately 300 babies per year, compared to the Nebraska Heartbeat Act which was written to stop abortions once a heartbeat can be detected and would save more than 2,000 lives a year.
The Nebraska Heartbeat Act (LB626) would require an ultrasound be performed before an abortion to listen for a baby’s heartbeat. If a heartbeat is detected, an abortion may not be performed. It allows exceptions for rape, incest, or in the event of a medical emergency. Until Wednesday, we had exactly the 33 votes needed to pass LB 626, the life-saving Nebraska Heartbeat Act. Senator Joni Albrecht, sponsor of the bill, expressed surprise and disappointment by Senator Riepe’s amendment, saying the loss of his vote for cloture could put LB 626 at risk of falling to a filibuster from abortion rights advocates.
Lives are at stake, and we are urgently asking you to speak up. We believe Senator Riepe’s mind and heart can be changed by respectful and courteous, yet firm, correspondence.
Senator Merv Riepe, a former hospital executive, completed our 2022 Nebraska Right to Life Voter Guide stating he is in favor of protecting preborn babies from conception, with no exceptions. He also is on the Health and Human Services Committee and voted to advance LB626 from committee to the full Legislature after sitting through 7 full hours of of testimony for and against LB626. He has not confirmed that he would vote for LB626 if the amendment fails.
Please write or call Senator Riepe to respectfully share your concerns and ask him to withdraw the amendment and fully support LB626.
February 25, 2023

January 29, 2023
Support is needed for the Nebraska Heartbeat Act Wednesday, February 1, 2023. LB626 will be heard at the State Capitol, Room 1525 at 1:30 PM with 3 hours of testimony time given to each side.
To submit written testimony: Click HERE and click “Submit Written Testimony”. Follow the directions below! Be sure to check your email when you are finished to VERIFY YOUR SUBMISSION; don’t forget this part!