NEW this year: the 2024 Nebraska Pro-Life Legislative Day was held at the Governor’s Mansion on Tuesday, February 27 with Breakfast & Check-in at 8:30 AM. Attendees gathered to hear about the statewide effort to defeat the abortion ballot initiative and strategized to protect life in our state. Several State Senators shared updates on current pro-life legislation and other public officials presented on how to effectively lobby state representatives. After breakfast and the presentations, all attendees walked to the State Capitol to engage with their State Senators.
Background on Pro-Life Legislative Day:
Nebraska Right to Life hosts an annual Pro-Life Legislative Day at the Nebraska State Capitol to train and engage citizen lobbyists to talk to their state senators about legislation. NRL lobbies on state legislation with alerts and outreach to grassroots supporters. Our lobbying and testifying efforts are evident at the State Capitol with the prioritization of pro-life bills.