Our Mission
To restore legal protection to innocent human life from fertilization through natural death.
We work on policies to oppose abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and unethical biomedical research, and we work to promote a culture of life.
It is our belief that this goal can only be achieved through a unified, statewide educational and legislative effort that is coordinated with an effective national program.
Our Structure
Nebraska Right to Life is the state affiliate to National Right to Life Committee in Washington D.C. and part of a team connected to local chapters around the state. The Right to Life structure is the largest, strongest, and most experienced group of pro-life leaders in the country.
It has been shown throughout history that the best way to affect change is through local groups of free association, bonded together in a common cause. Organizing into a local group gives members more standing within the community and an official platform to speak, educate, and influence those around them. Chapters have more credibility with their neighbors than a distant state and national organization. By holding regular meetings, organizing activities, educating fellow citizens, and assisting in the state and federal level initiatives, a local right to life chapter will harness the pro-life voice to speak authoritatively in the public arena and sway the culture to respect and defend innocent life.
The right to life movement has successfully stood its ground against pro-abortion forces for close to 50 years now, even though pro-lifers find themselves almost habitually on the short end of media and financial assets that institutions such as Planned Parenthood enjoy.
Right to Lifers however are unmatched in the number of volunteers, level of dedication, and in possessing an authentic bottom-up grassroots presence. Nationally, our affiliates and chapters across the country can mobilize over 7 million Americans as members of the largest grassroots organization in history. As a single-issue movement, we are very effective at motivating and energizing pro-life-minded individuals for specific needs and events. The chapter is the extension of this movement into the local community.
Political Action Committee
Nebraska Right to Life PAC sends a survey to every candidate for State and Federal office. We interview candidates for major offices and rely on input from board members and pro-lifers from a candidate’s local area.
Criteria for Endorsements:
Criteria for a pro-life endorsement includes a returned survey and agreement with major principles on the survey, including bioethics issues. Incumbents to an office or current elected officials seeking a different office are held to a higher standard since they have a voting record which is also taken into consideration. When incumbents seeking the same office have a pro-life record, they are given special status with a sole endorsement, even if a pro-lifer is challenging them. NRL PAC Board also reserves the right to give a sole endorsement where there is no pro-life incumbent to a candidate(s) who has/have served as a pro-life grassroots activist in the NRL/ National Right to Life Chapter system or other pro-life advocacy group.
NRL PAC is one of the few groups that prints all of the answers of every candidate who responds to our survey. It is the only fair way to let you, the pro-life voter, know where the candidates stand.
Role of Local Chapters
Nebraska Right to Life represents and supports its many local chapters across the state and works to continuously form new chapters. NRL depends on its chapters to help organize local communities and recruit new members. They support the endorsements of the state affiliate, distribute Nebraska Right to Life Political Action Committee voter guides, inform their communities of legislative alerts, and participate in lobbying and education in addition to conducting local fundraising events.
The mutual relationship between Nebraska Right to Life and its chapters creates an organized and well-directed pro-life presence across the entire state that can act in unison and purpose.
Find a Chapter Near You
Not seeing a Chapter in your area? Let’s start one! Contact us at nebraskartl@gmail.com.