Breaking: 2024 Pro-Life Ballot Initiative

Press Release: 3.19.2024



New Ballot Initiative Provides Opportunity to Vote for Life and Protect Nebraska from Abortion after 1st Trimester


Nebraska Right to Life (NRL) supports the Protect Women and Children ballot initiative that was released today. This life-affirming effort would create a constitutional amendment to  protect preborn babies in the second and third trimester, except for in cases of rape, incest and medical emergencies.


“What was revealed today is a pro-life ballot initiative that is consistent with the Nebraska law that went into effect last May which prevents most elective abortions after 12 weeks gestation, with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother, which we supported,” Danek said. “Since 90% of abortions in Nebraska occur within that first trimester, the pro-abortion initiative to amend our state’s constitution is not only extreme, it is unnecessary,” added Danek.


Citing a few examples of what she considers “extreme” measures in the pro-abortion initiative, Danek pointed out that while parents would have no legal say, or even know, of their minor daughter’s abortion, they would be financially responsible for any needed physical or mental post-abortive care that their daughter might need. “It is also very troubling that the person determining fetal viability as well as the health of the mother – defined broadly enough that nonmedical factors such as financial or mental state could be considered – would be the one performing the abortion,” Danek said.


“Nebraska Right to Life has created educational materials to help people unpack the extreme language in the pro-abortion initiative which could legalize abortion through all nine months of pregnancy,” said Sandy Danek, executive director of Nebraska Right to Life.


“Our hope is that voters will avail themselves of the multiple educational tools they can find on our website and social media accounts(Facebook, Instagram, X) or they can contact our office and we would be happy to send them printed materials,” Danek said.