“Nebraska Right to Life has been a cornerstone of our community for nearly 50 years, promoting a culture of life and embodying what I like to call a “community of care.”
Their noble efforts protect the preborn, restore legal protections to vulnerable persons, and promote life-affirming legislation for the good of all Nebraskans."
-Former U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry
"No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.”
-Abraham Lincoln
"Nebraska Right to Life has been a leading voice effectively advocating for the legal protection of unborn children for over four decades. I am proud to stand with them in their critically important work as we press forward on this great and noble mission."
-State Auditor Mike Foley
"We should all be working to protect babies and defend human dignity, and the Nebraskans that make up Nebraska Right to Life do that work every day. Nebraska is a pro-life state; and being pro-life means being pro-women, pro-science, and pro-compassion. And we’re seeing this movement grow thanks to grassroots efforts across our state. Defending lives and loving our neighbors are staples of Nebraskans – and that’s always worth celebrating."
-Former U.S. Senator Ben Sasse
"For nearly 50 years, Nebraska Right to Life has faithfully engaged communities and supported policy to recognize and honor the value and dignity inherent in human life. They are an advocate for Nebraska values, working to secure the Good Life."
-U.S. Congressman Mike Flood, Nebraska District #1
"Nebraska Right to Life has been a courageous champion of the sacred dignity of pre-born babies in our state. Their compassionate advocacy has immeasurably strengthened Nebraska’s pro-life culture. Nebraska Right to Life’s dedicated work is helping change hearts, minds and policies so that the basic human right to life is fully respected."
-U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts
“I have greatly appreciated Nebraska Right to Life through the years. This is an organization that has been a champion for the protection of human life and the unborn in Nebraska for decades. As a State Senator, I have seen and experienced how the Nebraska Right to Life plays an absolutely vital role in getting pro-life legislation created, debated and passed. I am proud of Nebraska Right to Life and the difference they have made for the lives of unborn Nebraskans for generations. They are a voice for the voiceless!”
-Nebraska Senator Joni Albrecht, District #17
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
-Jeremiah 1:5.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”